Love Our records presents the latest single from Endoflevelbaddie Vs Player One.
'Kill The Game' is a beat driven 2 player excursion through the twisted mind of a video game addict hell bent on completing his quest to rescue the princess.
Player One powers through wave after wave of relentless beats, basslines and looming chords with furious verses and killer combos,
proving once again that when Player One takes on the Baddie they are sure to dish out the coins.
A remix from Human Machine provides enough dirt and grit to gravel your driveway with, exploring a raucous combo of punchy drum hits,
larger than life bass and a fresh approach to Player One's vocal stylings. All chopped to bits in Human machines inimitable way.
Released by: Love Our Records 'Kill The Game' is a beat driven 2 player excursion through the twisted mind of a video game addict hell bent on completing his quest to rescue the princess.
Player One powers through wave after wave of relentless beats, basslines and looming chords with furious verses and killer combos,
proving once again that when Player One takes on the Baddie they are sure to dish out the coins.
A remix from Human Machine provides enough dirt and grit to gravel your driveway with, exploring a raucous combo of punchy drum hits,
larger than life bass and a fresh approach to Player One's vocal stylings. All chopped to bits in Human machines inimitable way.
Release date: Mar 15, 2012
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